Sugar is the generalised name for a class of sweet-flavored substances used as food. They are carbohydrates and as this name implies, are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. There are various types of sugar derived from different sources. Simple sugars are called monosaccharides and include glucose, fructose and galactose. Sugars are found in the tissues of most plants but are only present in sufficient concentrations for efficient extraction in sugarcane and sugar beet.
In case of bodybuilders sugar is believed to be useful during the bulking phase, as it is easily stored and adds calories to foods. But in reality sugar can affect your health and slow your progress. Although it can bulk up quickly, it will have a negative effect in the cutting phase. It’s best to limit the sugar intake and replace it with more useful natural nutrients.
Sugar represents an important source of energy. The carbohydrates we consume are broken down into a sugar called glucose. It is important to know that sugar is a crucial ingredient in weight-gainer shakes because it adds loads of calories. A diet with adequate carbs provides all the sugar the human body needs. The added sugar you get from sweet foods and beverages have the status of extra compound and are not really required.
While sugars has the ability to provide the insulin spike that helps speed protein and carbs to the muscles restoration process, the sugar itself is not really necessary. Bodybuilders who eat clean generally don’t suffer as much deprivation during a cutting phase. One of the main tenets of clean eating is avoiding sucrose, or table sugar. That means getting all your sugar from fruits and other carbs will suffice to acquire the necessary amount for a human body.