Author: Michael Jones
Eggs. Eating eggs is like doing cardio: there are hundreds of ways to do it, none is good, yet some people seem to love it. Eggs are packed with the most bio-available source of protein. According to research, egg yolks alone would resolve most common nutrient deficiencies. They are easy to digest and are a great source of cholesterol, of which raw eggs are believed to contain the most. This is essential because cholesterol provides important building blocks for testosterone. Thus eating raw eggs is one of the most direct ways of increasing testosterone and ultimately enhancing the libido. Start…
The adonis belt is the term given to the v-shaped lines between your hips and lower abs that run from the hip bone down to the pubis. Other names for this muscle are v abs, v cuts, v lines, sex lines, sex v…the list goes on. There is nothing extraordinary about this ‘V’ except that girls seem to love it. It’s like a trail / path for them. Despite your genes, there are specific exercises you can implement into your routine that will improve your adonis belt. Honestly, it is possibly as genetic as any other body part. Some people…
The Ketogenic diet is based on ketogenesis, which is the process in which ketones are produced by the liver during the break down of fatty acids. When the body does not have adequate carbohydrates for energy it must turn to fats for energy, this prompts the liver to break fatty acids into ketones which are used for energy in place of the glucose. The Ketogenic diet was used in the early 20th century as a treatment for epilepsy. The ketotic state causes an anticonvulsant effect reducing the severity and occurrence of seizures. With the advent of anti-seizure medications the ketogenic…
In the repertoire of any bodybuilder should be several exercises known as core movements. These movements are most effectively used to directly stimulate all of the major muscle groups, i.e. arms, legs, chest, shoulders, and back, while providing indirect stimulation to the supportive muscle groups at the same time. Core movements should make up the foundation of any training plan. These exercises, or variations of them, should be the basis on which you develop your daily workout routine. When used with proper form and appropriate weight, core exercises offer the bodybuilder diverse benefits, such as even or symmetric development, rapid…
Weight gain supplements are so common they have found their way into the mainstream through television, movies, and advertisements. A trip to the grocery store may reveal them lurking on the shelves. As with any supplement, the more popularity they gain, the more supplement companies jump on board with their own versions. How does a person wade through this confusing market and find the right weight gainer? First it is important to note that counterfeiting in the weight gain market is uncommon, unlike other supplement areas. A weight gain formula simply needs extra calories to work and this is fairly…
The amount of lifting that is required for serious muscle mass requires a good schedule. As part of that schedule you’ll likely be breaking your routine up into sections. There just isn’t a way to work your entire body to exhaustion all in the same session. A good start is upper body and lower body. The upper body though can be broken down even more. Separating the upper body into chest in one session, and arms in another will allow you to get even bigger muscle mass gains. The following are some of the best arm exercises for getting bigger…
So you’ve decided to become a bodybuilder, you’ve joined a gym, you purchased some fancy workout clothes and are prepared to build up a few calluses on your hands…what next? Well, the only person who can decide what’s next for you…is you. You need to determine what you’d like to do, how you’d like to do it and for how long; but more so, you need to figure out what you want to get out of it. The best way to answer those questions is to do some goal setting. You’re probably having flashbacks to your high school guidance counselor,…
Your body is a machine. Like any other machine it requires maintenance. But it also requires the proper fuel. No matter how much work you do on your car, if you put sand in the gas tank, you’re not going to get the results you are looking for. Your body works the same way. As you put in the time exercising and taking the proper steps to lift for mass, make sure you are getting the most of that time by giving your body the proper fuel. What you eat and drink is important, but so is when you do…
Beginning a bodybuilding career is a step toward a disciplined, structured and ultimately healthier lifestyle. There’s a lot to consider when embarking on this kind of journey, and make no mistake, a bodybuilding career is a journey. Most people start out joining a fitness club or gym randomly; maybe they’re looking to shed a few pounds or possibly they just want to get healthier, but during that process something happens, something clicks for them and they catch the bodybuilding bug. They begin to notice changes in their physique, they’re becoming stronger, tighter, and they notice lean, sinewy muscle starting to…
Caffeine is common in many foods and drinks enjoyed today. Coffee, chocolate, tea, soda, energy drinks, and other foods have caffeine in them. Supplements are enhanced with caffeine. There are also many caffeine supplements on the market. They are marketed for staying awake and energy. A substance this prevalent can’t be bad, right? Well, caffeine has had mixed reviews for a long time. Caffeine at first was given no attention. Then, its stimulant effects were noted and it was isolated for use as a supplement. Caffeine pills began to hit the market and it was combined with other supplements to…