Author: Michael Jones
When you are searching for a great routine to help shape your bicep area there are so many options available. Starting out you should defiantly try using light bicep training routine, so not to over extend or hurt your bicep muscles. Discussing your training options with a personal trainer might be helpful to you, by providing you with a workout routine designed just for you and targeting your bicep area. Starting your bicep training, you will want to stay motivated to continue your daily workouts. Before long you will start see some great changes in both your physical appearance in…
Are you getting fed up of paying the Gym bills every month? Are you visiting the Gym for years, in vain? Well, so did I. But suddenly three simple things changed my life. I am not boasting; but my muscles are no less than the famous body builders. You don’t believe me, I can make out that by your face, but how would you like to see my answer in you. The three things which literally changed me from a feeble boy to a real body builder are muscle vitamins, muscle building pills, and the best muscle supplements in the…
Before embarking on journey to gym it is important to consider the exercise one will be undertaking. This will be helpful in choosing the bodybuilding clothing to wear for the task. When in a gym different activities are keenly taken and since they require different body postures it is common to find different activities require different wears for comfort in exercising. It is important however, to note that best body building clothing involves having a good pair of shoes that helps in controlling feet temperature. The shoes must be well fitting and sports shoes are generally considered. When choosing a…
Bodybuilding is an intense and competitive sport. Competitors devote quite a lot of time to fitness workouts. Actually, there is no sport comparable to it in terms of the time spend in the gym. This intensity escalates as bodybuilding competitions draw near. A bodybuilding competition is for the strong willed. It is not a place for the shy. They are organized and governed by different organizations. Before settling on the competition you intend to participate, there are some things that you need to consider. These things range from the way the competition is run to the procedure carried out before…
The history of weightlifting traces back to the beginning of recordedhistory where man’s fascination with physical prowess has been foundamong ancient writings. A 5000-year-old Chinese writing tells ofsoldiers having to pass fitness tests. Ancient Greek sculptures pointout to lifting feats. The weights were stones but later changed todumbbells, the origin of the word dumbbells comes from the practice ofremoving clappers from bells and thus turning them soundless. The firstOlympics was held in 1896 and the sport was included and made anofficial sport, it did not appear in the 1900 Olympics but returned in1904 and has been a regular sport since…
Using anabolic steroids is illegal in sports, at least when an athlete gets caught using them. Olympic swimmer Jessica Hardy, Olympic boxer Suriya Prasathinphimai and a roster of American footballers probably dont regret using anabolic steroids, at least not as much as they regret getting nabbed. Doping scandals end up in sports headlines every year, and with the growing number of Olympic medalists failing doping tests, the cycle is unlikely to stop in the near future. The prevalence of doping among elite athletes only attests to the physical benefits of steroids. Anabolic steroids are synthetic hormones that accelerate the synthesis…
Everybody have heard about anabolic steroids, that they are dangerous and that the side effects can be horrible. It is important to know that anabolic steroids, like any drug, must be used safely and when used appropriately, can provide some amazing results. Today many people buy anabolic steroids online direct from their home. This new buying freedom has resulted in more people using anabolic steroids. Now lets speak about the possible side effects of steroids. There is no matter if you are using legal steroids or not, it is still some possible side effects that is needed to be aware…
People who do not have much knowledge about the effects of steroids on the human body believe that steroids are addictive illegal drugs that negatively affect the body. In reality, however, steroids can be medically advantageous, for instance when they are prescribed to help a person diagnosed with asthma. Steroids loosen up air passages, which in turn ease breathing for the asthmatic. At present, steroids also play a role in the lives of body builders and fitness buffs. It helps them obtain the type of body that will help them perform their best in their physical activities. Once a person…
You are an enthusiast of bodybuilding and you want to know more about it, there are many important resources which are available that will give you all the information which you need to know. One of such important reference and maybe the best is the bodybuilding encyclopedia. Sometimes it is called the bible of bodybuilding as it has all the conclusive in terms of content. There are a number of encyclopedias from which you could choose from and they will give you lots of information. The ones available come in various forms which include the printed ones which are of…
There are many ways in which steroids may be categorized. They may be categorized according to legality, whether they are legal or illegal, according to nature that is, whether they are natural or synthetic, according to the mode of introducing them into the body that is whether they are orally taken or injected into the blood stream. The effect of these steroids depends on the steroid. Oral anabolic steroids are notorious for stomach and liver disorders while the injectable steroids damage the blood vessels and the heart. The later may result to stroke or heart failure. The world is grappling…