Author: Michael Jones

To perform this useful and rare exercise you should lay face up on the ground with your arms stretched overhead and legs out straight. Raise your arms and legs about one foot off of the floor and attempt to assume the shape of a rocker on a rocking chair, then softly and slowly, teeter back and forth. The critical part of this movement is to pull the lumbar arch from the back so that the entire back is rounded from shoulders to butt. This exercise is a perfect measure of both a weakness in and inability to innervate the lower…

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Getting rid of the man boobs doesn’t come easy. It requires lots of hard work and an ample special training regime. Forget about doing hundreds of press-ups, bench presses or crossovers. They’re virtually useless when it comes to shifting the fat from your chest. And a few short cardio sessions each week isn’t going to be enough, either. A full-body training program that includes both cardiovascular and resistance exercises will deliver better and quicker results. To lose the man boobs, eating right and exercising frequently needs to become a life habit for your schedule does not have any holes, make…

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Shed Excess WeightCarrying extra pounds puts your joints under pressure and can wear down the cushioning cartilage that protects them. Research shows our load-bearing joints – our ankles and knees – are very vulnerable to excess weight, and our hips and backs are also sensitive. In the long-term, this can leave you at risk of developing osteoarthritis – studies have shown that people who are obese are 14 times more likely to develop knee osteoarthritis than people who maintain a healthy weight. Stay ActiveRegular exercise not only helps with weight management, it also directly benefits your joints. Exercising frequently and…

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You probably already know that refined carbs – such as the ones found in cakes, white bread and white flour- are bad for you but you’ll notice that this plan also avoids starchy carbs in the form of potatoes, rice and pasta. That’s because all of the above will create an insulin spike, drive up your blood sugar levels and – in all likelihood – be stored as fat. You’re going to avoid this by getting your carbs from vegetables, which will give you plenty of energy for your workouts while keeping you full and leaving your blood sugar stable.…

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Chill outThat doesn’t mean kicking your trainers off, pouring a beer and settling down with a box set. Researchers recommend extreme temperature changes to repair damaged muscles, reduce swelling and flush out lactic acid. Try a five-minute jog or stretch, six minutes of alternating hot showers (37-43°C) and ice baths, six minutes of cycling, walking or stretching at low intensity, finishing with a final chilly two-minute ice bath. Aim highAlthough low glycaemic index (GI) foods help to maintain energy levels during the day, high-GI foods – such as white bread, watermelon and raisins -are best straight after exercise because they…

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Grow some good bacteriaPrebiotics stimulate good bacteria in the colon and prevent bad bacteria from taking a hold. A study in the Journal Of Clinical Gastroenterology found that foods rich in prebiotics such as chicory and artichokes lead to the increased growth of gut good guys lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Drink more waterWe’ll keep saying it until you get it: drinking more water is one of the quickest ways to improve health. Maintaining adequate hydration is crucial for digestive health and helps regulate bowel movements. Cut back on boozeDrinking more than two units of alcohol a day will expand your waistline…

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BCAA stands for branched-chain amino acids. These are often called the building blocks of protein and can only be obtained through the diet because the body cannot synthesize them. There are three BCAAs: leucine, isoleucine and valine, Put simply, BCAA supplementation protects muscles during exercise. This has benefits for both strength and endurance athletes. Recent research has shown an improvement in muscle recovery too. It has also been shown that when consuming BCAAs in your training results in significantly less muscle breakdown. Adding just 12 grams of BCAAs per day was all that was needed to accomplish this effect. This…

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Before trainingCardioTo get the most out of the session, your fuel tank needs to be fully stocked. If you’ve eaten a main meal within three hours of starting to train you’re likely to have enough energy. If not, have a simple high-carb snack such as a bagel with cream cheese or a muffin within one hour of the start of the session and that should see you through.WeightsYou need some carbs if you are to have the energy to lift weights, but you also need some protein – especially sources containing the amino acid leucine, such as lentils or beef…

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Fiber is important for bodybuilders and athletes mainly because it assists in adding bulk to ones diet. It is a known fact that fruits and vegetables are valuable in providing fiber. Fiber represents that portion of the food which is not digested but helps the intestines to move the waste along. A certain amount of fiber is necessary in the diet of every human being. Constipation is many times caused by lack of sufficient fiber and you have to make sure that your diet is varied enough to provide the needed dietary fiber for the intestinal wastes. Therefore, unless your…

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Frank Zane was born on June 28, 1942 in Kingston, Pennsylvania and he is an American former professional bodybuilder and teacher. Zane is a three-time Mr. Olympia (1977 to 1979). He is one of only three people who have beaten Arnold Schwarzenegger in a bodybuilding contest (1968 Mr. Universe in Miami, Florida) and one of the very few Mr. Olympia winners under 200 pounds. Overall, he competed for over 20 years (retiring after the 1983 Mr Olympia contest) and won Mr America, Mr Universe, Mr World and Mr Olympia throughout his illustrious career. He has written many courses and books…

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