Author: Mike Ramirez
Fiber is also an important component of nutrition. It is the most recognized of all carbohydrates in terms of disease prevention and general health, and it can be classified as two different types: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber has merit in the realm of intestinal cleanliness and slowing down digestion through the GI tract, which allows for more thorough vitamin and nutrient absorption. Soluble fiber, on the other hand, is invaluable for our theory of a calorie is not just a calorie. In a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2000, a diet containing 50g of…
Limit strength: Limit strength is the maximum amount of musculoskeletal force that you can generate for one all-out effort. Commonly referred to as your maximum lift, limit strength is enhanced by training with weight that is 80-90% of your maximum, for low repetitions. Some individuals make the mistake of focusing too much effort towards improving limit strength, without consideration of explosive strength and starting strength. Starting strength: Starting strength refers to your ability to activate as many muscle fibers as possible. You will activate fast twitch muscle fibers for explosive movements such as punching. Starting strength is best trained with…
This weird-shaped balance board-type contraption is an acronym for both sides up. One side is flat, the other looks like an exercise ball. Don’t be afraid of its wobbly nature. Start with the easy option of standing on the ball side, so the flat surface is on the floor, until you feel comfortable. How do you use it? Stand on the dome side to do squats or step-ups, or turn it over, so the domes resting on the floor, to perform press-ups or mountain climbers. We should use the BOSU, because it will will help improve your balance, core stability…
Lunges are wonderful for toning the whole leg, but they are not recommended if you have knee problems. In each of the versions described, you lunge by stepping with one leg and sinking down, which causes the knee of the stationary leg to bend. Switch sides to work both legs. (Some people prefer to alternate legs, while others prefer to do one set per leg and then change.) All lunges start from a standing position, and when you have done each one, return to a standing position: ♦ For the standing lunge, move your right leg straight back behind your…
Anabolic steroids cycles are one of the most controversial and disputed themes among athletes and bodybuilders. The use of anabolic steroids has its positive and negative features and professional bodybuilders know how to use them to prevent the unnecessary side effects. Nowadays there are thousands of anabolic cycle’s examples all over the world, established by professional athletes and experienced bodybuilders. As a result there are no standards and each of the multitudes of cycles we may find online or in specialized magazines have a positive effect on muscle building. One of the most efficient cycles we want to present is…
Ingredients6 ounce can of tuna, 1 egg white (stirred beaten), 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (USA tablespoons, UK you need 4 TS), 2 tablespoons of diced onion, 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder, 2 teaspoons of mozzarella, some salt and pepper. PreparationThrow all the ingredients (except the mozzarella) into a bowl. Heat the pan, spray with non stick spray (you can use olive oil if you want). Make 2 patties by just dumping half the mixture into each pile and sort of shape it much as you want to.Cook one side until brown (not long) then turn , when the second side…
Andropause— a gradual decrease in blood testosterone and biologically available free testosterone— is a significant health issue in aging men. It is linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, loss of muscle and bone mass and decreased sexual performance. It is not as obvious as menopause (permanent cessation of menstruation in women), so many physicians don’t consider it a significant health issue. Landmark studies found that aging men increased muscle mass, decreased fat and improved quality of life from testosterone supplements. Australian scientists showed that aging men (55 and older) decreased abdominal fat and increased muscle mass without side…
Here are 5 Steps for an efficient skin care: 1. Cleanse: Cleansing of the skin is the foundation of healthy, glowing skin. Make sure you find an alcohol free gentle cleanser that cleanses your skin with out stripping it of its natural oils, and that is not too harsh. 2. Exfoliate: This is necessary, but not every day! Aim to use a gentle Gommage, rather than an abrasive cloth, sandy cream, or anything that has those little grains of sand in them. They do more irritating then exfoliating. 3. Tone: Toning is essential! Stay away from strong astringents, but rather…
> dat grind Some tips from the man himself: How do you grind the lockout on sumo like that? Dan Green: “The key is to lock your legs when the bar passes your knees and not wait until lockout. Focus on locking your legs and pulling your chest up. Make sure your grip isn’t narrower than your shoulders or you’ll always struggle at lockout” Bonus: > tfw he pulls conventional better than many elite powerlifters Also, do we even row? More importantly, do we even lift? Food for thought.
Gyms are great for a lot of people. Some people like all the equipment available. The motivation provided by the people around them helps drive others. There are some people who use the gym as place to get away from everything and concentrate on gaining muscle mass. But that does not mean the gym is for everyone. There are a lot of people who aren’t working out in gyms, for a variety of reasons; the cost may not be practical, you may not have the time, or you may not be comfortable working out in a fishbowl. No matter your…