Author: Mike Ramirez

Eat one grapefruit a day for two weeks and you could see significant improvements in your appearance and vitality, according to a trial published in The Grocer. After two weeks eating the fruit, 80 per cent of the women involved said their concentration had improved, 67 per cent rated their energy levels as “excellent” or “Very good” and 81 per cent said their skin looked better. Grapefruit can also help lower cholesterol, protect and repair cell damage and aid weight loss. It can interfere with some medications, though, so check with your GP first if you’re taking any.

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There are several main advantages for an athlete or for every human being of getting rid of fat: Longer lifeWant to live for years to come? You could steal a donkey and bravely head off in search of the life-extending Holy Grail -or just shed some fat. A study in The New England Journal Of Medicine showed subjects with a body mass index (BMI) over 27.5 had a greater risk of death from cardiovascular disease or cancer. Work your BMI out by dividing your weight in kilos by your height in meters squared. More happinessLosing some chub can make the…

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Wrist curls work on the flexors of the forearm and also increase finger strength. The forearm muscles should not be neglected. They are as important as the muscles in the shoulders and lats and calves. Mane prefers doing the curls in a sitting position, resting the back of my forearms on the bench and holding the barbell in a close grip. It is very important to keep your elbows together. Moving only your wrist, curl the weight up until your forearm is fully contracted. Allow the weight to go down slowly, then at the bottom let the bar roll out…

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Honey is a great pre-workout food. Its unrefined sugars are easily absorbed into the body, while its simple carbohydrates provide an excellent source of energy without any of the artificial preservatives, colorings or sweeteners found in commercial energy drinks and gels. Produced all over the world, the taste, coloring and consistency of honey can vary greatly depending on the plants and flowers supplying the pollen and the environment in which they live. Many varieties of honey contain friendly bacteria such as lactobactlli and bifidobacteria, which help to combat different illnesses and disorders. Honey also contains iron, an essential protein component…

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Lifting weights properly burns fat and builds muscle, but do it wrong and you’ll end up having severe injuries. A 20-year study at the University of Arkansas reported more than 980,000 gym-related injuries. Here are the top seven body parts injured in the gym as a percentage of all injuries.

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Fire up your engineFeeling sluggish affects how hard you can push your muscles because your central nervous system needs to be firing at full speed. So before you grab a dumb-bell, skip for 30 seconds, then do half a dozen body weight squat jumps and press-ups to get your body primed for the work ahead. Create some spaceNever stay seated on the equipment or machine you’re using during your rest period, Stand up and walk away. If you create a mental and physical space between exercise and rest when you return to the bench or seat you’ll be fully focused…

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While most exercises do not require anything other than an average flexibility, a few exercises call for more than average level of flexibility. Perhaps the most conclusive examples are the squat and deadlift. If you have tight Achilles tendons, hamstrings, thigh adductor muscles, and glutes, for you it will be impossible to squat or deadlift in good form. In the squat, a person is inflexible in hamstrings, thigh adductors, and glutes, and in this case you will round your lower back as you descend, lean forward excessively, and be in risk of toppling over. Back injuries will be inevitable as…

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The chances are good that you know at least one person who always seems to be on a diet. The odds are also good that although these habitual dieters may achieve some small weight losses, they are among the 95% that always gain it back. Then, discouraged with the failure of their last diet, they quickly embark on the latest “diet of the month” and repeat the cycle. When fat loss stops or begins to slow down after being in a substantial calorie deficit, most people panic and cut their calories even further. Sometimes this works and it breaks the…

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Grip the bar with your hands approximately 10 inches apart and lift it over your head. Keep your upper arm in a stationary position close to the sides of your head. Let the weight slowly down behind your head. Then press the weight slowly back to the starting position. Do not allow your upper arms to move.

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If you literally bend back, your movement is limited to a couple of lumbar vertebrae. You distress this area and do not even get much range of motion out of it. A safer and more effective approach is to start by traction of the vertebrae that is spine ‘elongation’. As you ‘grow taller’—it helps to inhale to maximally open up your chest—the shock absorbing discs between the vertebrae and the spiky facet joints get more room and therefore get squeezed less as the spine extends. Once you have opened up your spine it is time to bend it back. Instead…

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