Author: Mike Ramirez
Presenting to you this magical photo gallery combines the themes of Bodybuilding and Romance. Enjoy!
Check out Bodybuilder Jay Cutler training his shoulders. Impressive Workout!
Check out this sexy and appealing photo gallery with women involved in bodybuilding!
When you’re training hard you want to eat about an hour or two before your workouts and again immediately afterwards. Your snacks should include both carbs and protein to help restore glycogen levels in your muscles and repair muscle tissue. A post-workout snack might be a bagel with salmon and cream cheese, or a tuna and pasta salad. For the rest of the day, eat small meals at regular intervals of two or three hours, with the aim of having some protein with every meal. This way you keep your glycogen levels topped up and prevent your body from breaking…
It is a known basic fact that even the leanest athletes need fat. According to the Certified Fitness & Nutrition Coach and Professional Athlete Liza Hughes one of the best choices for dietary fat this r is Avocado. Avocado is a fruit that is abundant in the summertime months that provides necessary dietary fat and is full of vitamins to help our bodies work at optimal level. Avocados posses a high fat content and it is a healthy fat, a monounsaturated fat. Studies have shown that this type of fat helps reduce cholesterol. Avocado is also low in calories and…
Check out this Bodybuilding motivational Video!
The goal of majority of women is to achieve the perfect body shape. Many of them fail to achieve it because they do not make the necessary amount of efforts, while others fail even while doing exercises due to the fact that they follow the wrong kind of training. Another problem is that many women to attain the perfect body shape irrespective of their age. For example older people might more difficult to shape their body because their muscles become weaker with the passage of time. Exercises like weight lifting might not suit aged women and they should follow this…
Female bodybuilding is the female component of competitive bodybuilding. It began in the late 1970s when women began to take part in bodybuilding competitions. There are two other categories of competition that are closely related to bodybuilding, and are frequently held as part of the same event. Fitness competition has a swimsuit round, and a round that is judged on the performance of a routine including aerobics, dance, or gymnastics. Figure competition is a newer format, judged solely on symmetry and muscle tone, with much less emphasis on muscle size than in bodybuilding. The opinions regarding the women bodybuilding are…
Sample menu for the day for the beginner bodybuilder should be as follows. The first meal (7:00)1 cup of oatmeal in the water1 cup egg cocktail The second meal (9:00)Instead of eating it is more useful to take Prolab which is a complex for muscle mass mixed with water or a protein powder (about 40 g of protein) mixed with 40 grams of carbohydrates with mashed rice, cereal or oatmeal , plus one spoon of flaxseed oil. Lunch (12:00)1 cup of brown rice or medium-sized baked potato or a bowl of oatmeal2 cups green beans, broccoli or any other desired…
This is the number-one exercise for increasing the mass of the upper body, especially the pectoral muscles. Lie down on the exercise bench with your feet approximately 18 inches apart for support. Using a fairly wide grip (as in photo) lower the barbell until it touches your chest about nipple level and then ram it back up overhead. Lock your elbows at the top. Inhale deeply on the way down, exhale going up. Use the add weight system (add a small amount of weight at the beginning of each set) for five sets (8, 8, 6, 6, 6 reps respectively).