Author: Raymond Daniel

Chillies and other spicy foods work in a number of ways to assist fat loss. The simplest but most effective way they do so is by promoting satiety, which means you eat less during the meal and don’t reach for snacks a couple of hours later. Another factor is that you are likely to drink more water, and so feel fuller sooner and eat less. Spices can also cause small increases in your metabolic rate, so you burn the fat faster. So there are benefits, but you certainly shouldn’t rely on chilli alone to shift your spare tyre – a…

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If there is a magic supplement for most people as this is being written, it is fish oil.Recently, well-accomplished strength coach Charles Poliquin wrote an excellent piece on why fish oils are the most important supplement. In it, he outlined the benefits of fish oil as follows. Fish oils have been promoted as a potential cure for virtually all diseases. Some members of the medical community have inferred that most ailments can be healed by manipulating the ratios between the EPA and the DHA. For those of us interested in positively and optimally altering body composition and maximizing our training…

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Breakfast This is the most important meal of the day! Don’t skip itthinking it was going to help me save calories. If you skip breakfast, you will only become super ravenous by mid day, and end up eating more than you should. Skipping breakfast will also slow down your metabolism, which you don’t want. Midmorning Snack Never wait until lunch to eat again after breakfast. You need to eat at a small mini‐meal, protein bar, or a protein shake in between the two. Aim at a 200 calorie minimeals, or protein shake or protein bar to help you keep your…

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A crash diet is a diet which is extreme in its nutritional deprivations, typically severely restricting calorie intake. It is meant to achieve rapid weight loss and may differ from outright starvation only slightly. It is not meant to last for long periods of time, at most a few weeks. There are a number of situations when a crash diet can be required. Contest bodybuilding is as much a test of extreme willpower as of anything else. May be it’s not healthy to starve the body down to such super low body fat percentages (a male will commonly need to…

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The standing barbell curl couldn’t be more basic for building the biceps. At first, you take a medium-wide grip (approximately shoulder-width) on the bar to hit the bicep directly, although later on you can vary the grip to the degree that you personally feel the greatest results. As with all exercises, start with a weight that becomes progressively more difficult to lift after about the fifth rep. This strain rams the blood into the biceps. Remember, this is a power-building as well as a muscle-building exercise so don’t be afraid to handle the poundage. Only your forearms should move. Keep…

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When it comes to building muscle the formula for success is simple. You select a weight, lift it a certain number of times, put it down, rest, then lift again. The lifting weights’ part is crucial of course, but the period of time that you rest between sets can also have a dramatic impact on the effectiveness of your training session. In fact, rest is a training variable as important as sets, reps, weight and tempo in ensuring you hit your fitness target. That’s because the amount of rest between sets can influence the efficiency, safety and ultimate effectiveness of…

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We present to you a list of products that are efficient in burning the fat in your body! 1 Oatmeal 2 Yams (and Sweet Potatoes) 3 Potatoes (White or Red) 4 Brown Rice 5 100% Whole Wheat and Whole Grain Products 6 Green Fibrous Vegetables: Broccoli, green beans, Asparagus, Lettuce, etc. 7 Fresh Fruits 8 Skim Milk & Nonfat Farm Products 9 Chicken Breast (and Turkey Breast) 10 Egg Whites 11 Fish and Shellfish 12 Lean Red Meat

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Paul Dillett was born April 12, 1965 in Montreal, Quebec and he is a retired now IFBB professional bodybuilder residing in Toronto, Canada. Paul Dillett first competed in professional bodybuilding when he took second place in the heavyweight division of the 1991 North American Championships. His first Mr. Olympia was in 1993, where he placed 6th. In 1993, he competed in his first Ironman Pro Invitational, where he took fourth place. Later the same year, he competed in his first Arnold Classic, placing fourth. In 1999, he competed in the Night of Champions competition, where he placed first. Paul has…

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It is a known fact that life began in the sea and life continues to exist in an inner sea within our body, two-thirds of which is water. All of life’s complex biochemical processes take place in a water medium, which accounts for the fluidity of our blood and lymph system. Water is our waste remover through urine and feces; it keeps our body temperature within a narrow range; it lubricates our joints and last but not of least importance to the bodybuilder, water is the primary constituent of muscle tissue. Although it’s true that our muscles are more than…

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