Author: Raymond Daniel
Entering into any gym, you can see that some experienced bodybuilders wear athletic belt. Among the newcomers belts are also popular, but not everyone is able to explain its proper use and necessity. Weightlifting belts are widely used by people for bodybuilding, powerlifting and weightlifting. In America, the use of this item was more widespread than in Europe. What is the use of this element for athletes? There are several arguments in favor of athletic belt for those who practice lifting large weights. There are several types themselves belts. They differ in their purpose and by design.
Despite the fact that the “homeland” of bodybuilding in its modern form is believed to be the United States, the term “bodybuilding” was popular during its history in many regions of the world. This phenomenon became famous in many countries after the World War II. A man that recently celebrated one hundredth anniversary is of one of the first bodybuilders in the world – Manohar Aich from India. One hundred years old bodybuilder says that the secret to a long and happy life lies not only long time development your body, but also in a life with no stress. Manohar…
Check out this young female powerlifter. Her name is Samantha Wright and she is an elite level gymnast turned weightlifter, who coached USA Gymnastics for about three years. Now she’s a trainer at Crossfit and hopes to compete in the Crossfit Games. She has recently qualified to compete at the national level in Olympic weightlifting. Samantha is a simple 22-year-old blond with nice blue eyes, a simple and nice girl that can lift 900 pounds and attract you with an appealing smile.