Author: Russell Bauer
One of the main staples of any bodybuilder’s diet is chicken…and lots of it. Eating so much poultry can be a challenge unto itself, it can be expensive, time consuming to prepare and potentially hazardous to your health if not looked after properly. Below are some tips and guidelines to help streamline this portion of your bodybuilding diet and make the largest element of your daily meals a joy to work with. Chicken or poultry is one of the most versatile and simple meats available; it is available in many forms, reasonably priced and can be cooked in so many…
The chest is the trophy piece of every person who tries to gain muscle mass. As much as we can tell you not to neglect the other areas of your workout, you, like everyone else, will put a little more into your chest. This isn’t just vanity, it’s smart too. The chest is the largest muscle group in the upper body. The following exercises are some of the best ways to build chest muscle. Bench Press Positioning – Proper Bench technique begins with your location. As you lie on the bench, the bar should be at its resting position directly…
Many people underestimate the importance of well developed triceps in the physique of a bodybuilder. When in fact the tricep makes up just more than 3/4’s of the upper arm. There’s nothing more effective for making the upper arm seem massive and powerful than well developed tricep brachii. As the name implies, there are three major muscle bundles in the tricep; the tricep brachii lateral head, long head and medial head, and while all three bundles of muscle fiber do pretty much the same thing (extend the lower arm), the all do it in a slightly different way. This means…
If muscle gain is your goal, three square meals a day isn’t going to get you there. Eating the traditional food guide diet is going to get you a confused metabolism, increased fat stores and a hungry belly when it counts. Fad diets and binge eating have proven time and time again, that our bodies will respond to the frequency and amount of food we give it. Starve your body and you will lose weight, feed it and you’ll gain it back. This is the function of metabolism; metabolism is a set of reactions and processes within the body that…
Dumbbells versus barbells. This is a battle with a clear line drawn in the sand. Proponents on each side have strong beliefs about why their weapon of choice is the best. If you listen to one side long enough they might just convince you that they are right, until you hear the arguments from the other side. When it really comes down to it, the truth of the matter is that both sides are right. A balanced bodybuilding program should incorporate both barbells and dumbbells, because each have their benefits, and their flaws. Dumbbells may be descendents of the ancient…
Tuna is a staple of the bodybuilder’s diet. It is convenient and easy to prepare. It can be eaten plain or mixed to make tuna salad. It can be used as a side for other dishes or a meal in itself. The main reason it is such a popular choice for bodybuilders is its protein content. Like other fish it is high in protein and offers some good oils, as well. The problem for many bodybuilders is how to shake things up and make that tuna a little more exciting. Most serious bodybuilders would eat cardboard and dirt if it…
Before beginning a diet and exercise program to get ripped, get a fat test. Fat levels for men who really want to show off muscle striation should be in the 7% to 12% range for men, and up to 22% for women t look ripped. If you go too low, you may risk your health. Fat tests are usually available through your local gym or a doctor office. Burn Fat Stores Keep your calorie intake at or below recommended levels to burn fat fast and get cut. Men and women who are sedentary to active should consume no more than…
Training both himself and other clients for over two decades, bodybuilding champion Fabrice Rinaldi has always been aware of the importance of the balance between building new muscle size and definition while also maintaining overall aesthetic appearance. Here he discusses his most recent training and competitive experience: WorldBodybuilding: What made you decide to enter the NPC (National Physique Committee) Europa Dallas bodybuilding event in 2011? Fabrice Rinaldi: Actually, it wasn’t my first contest in 2011. I was thinking at first about competing in the NPC Ronnie Coleman show in April, but because of a leg injury I could not be…
Water – Important in Bodybuilding Diets You’ll find hundreds of bodybuilding diets with many different opinions on what constitutes the best bodybuilding diets. But for every article and professional you find touting the benefits of a particular diet program, you’ll likely find someone to refute those ideas. So how do you decide? Should you eat lots of carbs or work to avoid them? Can fat really burn fat to create muscle? And what’s all the hoopla about water? The bottom line regarding bodybuilding diets is that you have to eat and drink smart with an eye toward consuming those foods…
To a person who may not really understand what steroids are, they are simply defined as organic substances that cause various effects in the body of a human being. They are quite strong since immediately you begin using them you will experience various changes happening to your body within a span of a few days. These steroids are not limited to particular functions, since they can be used in healthcare as treatments for various ailments and also used to minimize inflammations. It has also proven to be quite useful to asthma patients as it can be inhaled thereby preventing asthma…