Bodybuilding is interesting and fun when done right. But many people don’t know where to begin or how to start and get the results they desire. In this article, we will be looking at the basics;…
When I mention to strangers that I once studied karate, they usually give me a quizzical look. “Really?” they say.…
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Glycemic Index: What is the Significance?
The GI’s importance relates to blood sugars affects on the hormone insulin, which is the primary hormonal mediator of fat…
Sugar: From a Bodybuilder’s Point of View
Sugar is the generalised name for a class of sweet-flavored substances used as food. They are carbohydrates and as this…
Foods That Burn Fat!
We present to you a list of products that are efficient in burning the fat in your body! 1 Oatmeal…
Eat At The Right Time
When you’re training hard you want to eat about an hour or two before your workouts and again immediately afterwards.…
A proper warm-up is vital before doing any weight training. If time is short, don’t be tempted to skip the…
Check out this Bodybuilding motivational Video!