Ignoring the role of proper nutrition, can significantly weaken the anabolic effect of steroids and strengthen their side effects. Steroids are most effective when used in combination with high-calorie foods and high protein content nutrients. The only steroid, which to some extent shows an anabolic effect in the low-calorie diet – is Primobolan. The optimal amount of consumed calories for a day when using steroids is 4000 – 7000 kcal. This amount should be 60% of complex carbohydrates, 20% of protein and 20% in form of fat. To achieve the optimal nutritive effects may require additional efforts.
Many athletes eat too little in order to make steroids work better and even if they consume enough calories, it is often at the expense of too much fat in their diet. And this approach is not the best one. It is important to know that the use of anabolic steroids can increase blood cholesterol and blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease. If an athlete is seriously decided to take advantage of that provide steroids, he should understand that proper nutrition is an essential part of the steroid program.
You should always try to avoid inclusion in the diet of excessive fat, to exclude the risk of heart disease, which is already fraught with the use of steroids. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that in the diet there is a right amount of protein, and that quantity of calories should be optimal in order to maximize the effectiveness of steroids.