In every competition, to win recognition or a medal for those experts or at low levels for amateurs, it is mandatory to have general accepted rules to govern the game. In the same regard, it is therefore important to have rules governing bodybuilding contests to avoid controversies that might arise. Majority of body building follow a unique standard procedure which include the first activity; in which competitors meet as agreed and they are briefed on the procedures and behaviors expected of them. In the briefing, contestants are informed on how to walk when on stage and those poses that they must make and how to carry themselves when on stage. It is also at this level judging is explained and hence this stage is most detailed as it involves everything about the competition.
The following event usually covers prejudging. It group’s participants in classes on how they will enter the stage and at this level, judges guide them in taking their poses. Competitors undertake activities that allow judges to compare them with little ease. Some of the activities include taking different activities differently like when some move forward others step back and they rearrange themselves for clear comparisons. When judges are satisfied with their poses they rank them against each other.
At last, in the final stage the show, is normally the finals and it is at this level when fans attending the bodybuilding competition are allowed to sit down and watch the show. The contestants each at time move to the stage and routinely take poses for fans to watch. After posing is over judges announce the overall winners and they are presented with accolades and cards. Well aware of the contest routine, it is now important to know on how to prepare for bodybuilding contests. It is common to look for individual strength and factoring on the time one needs to work on it with eating the right diet and which parts of body need which workout to be ready.
This is a general process that allow participant to have physique that is balanced and is symmetrical in appearance. To rectify any short coming you need to eat a well balanced diet with right kind of needed ingredients like carbohydrates and proteins together with required level of vitamins until the body physique meets the needed standard.
After diet is taken care of, the next stage involves taking exercises that prepares one for victory in the contest. One of the training to take care of is cardiovascular and it involves two ways of training which are moderate and high intensity training for some weight lifters. It is important to ensure when training both process are achieved as for the moderate training it ensures blood flow increase, high absorption of nutrients and increased level of metabolism while high intensive training ensures calories burned after taking of training is high hours after.
The final activities in body building contest training are meant to make a competitor achieve a well refined shape and condition of muscle to withstand trials. It is therefore important to ensure one does not train more than needed.
1 Comment
I read that the more muscle mass your body has… the more calories you will burn… and the more body fat you’ll lose… even when you're resting! It's true… muscle mass is a very active tissue and it takes a lot of calories to maintain. Look, if you’re skinny now… you don’t have to worry about that. You don’t have any fat to lose, so you’ll just end up packing on more size and muscle. Love your website and articles, keep it coming!