When you embark on an intensive program to build muscle mass, endurance and strength, diet and nutrition plays a very important role. If you want to add muscle mass quickly and safely, a normal diet is unlikely to provide the necessary ingredients. You have the choice of using anabolic steroids to supplement your diet or bodybuilding supplements. Because of the side effects associated with the use of anabolic steroids, it is generally safer and just as effective to use bodybuilding supplements many of which mimic the effects of steroids without the danger of the side effects. Moreover, one single supplement is unlikely to all that you need and bodybuilders therefore use a combination of supplements known as a “stack”. Here are some of the more common ingredients in the stack.
Amino acids.
Amino acids are extremely important because they are the foundation for any program involving supplements whether you want to gain weight to lose weight.
Unfortunately, their importance is sometimes overlooked. Your normal diet will rarely provide all the necessary amino acids and you therefore need to supplement this diet with some high quality amino acid supplements. They enable your body to recover faster and help to preserve muscle mass especially in a weight loss program.
Though your body contains glutamine in abundance, the level depletes quite rapidly during intensive training and needs to be replenished to help your body to recover from the stress of training. This supplement helps to maintain glutamine levels in your muscles so that the body does not need to draw on and deplete these levels. Remember that the effects of ingesting glutamine are neither rapid nor spectacular but they can really pay off in the long run.
If you wish to boost the strength and muscle mass for the long-term, few supplements are as effective as creatine. The almost immediate effect is to make your muscles hard and long and you will feel a perceptible increase in your strength. It is generally regarded as an indispensable supplement and is often accompanied by water retention so don’t get alarmed. The water retention will rectify itself after you are finished with the program.
Zinc Magnesium Aspartate (ZMA)
The levels of ZMA in the body are reduced by intensive training and need to be supplemented in order to support body recovery and restore the efficiency of sleep and rest. If the level is not replenished, the effect could be to reduce serum in the testosterone the body produces as well as increased levels of estrogen which are not healthy for the body.