Bodybuilding Workouts – Find What Works
Bodybuilding workouts – just the words are enough to make some people droop with fatigue. Not because the workouts themselves are so difficult, but because of the sheer tedium sometimes associated with bodybuilding workouts. In fact, this is one of the most commonly cited problems with exercise routines of all kinds – the routine that turns into drudgery. But what can you do?
There’s no doubt that some exercises are just going to be necessary. And there’s going to be some amount of routine in your bodybuilding workouts. But there is also some room to make your time more enjoyable.
Start by thinking back to the reason that you started bodybuilding workouts in the first place. Were you just out of shape? Had you seen some photos or a live competition that prompted you to start your program? Whatever it was that first sparked your interest should continue to play a role in your bodybuilding workouts. It’s said that a famous writer posted his bills on the wall above his desk to remind himself that he’d rather write than to go get some other job in order to meet those obligations. The same concept can work for you.
If you have photos of yourself along your path to an excellent body, post those photos. If you’re inspired by others who have achieved incredible results, posters and photos of those people near your exercise area may be a good incentive to keep up the work. Make a list of goals that you hope to accomplish from your bodybuilding workouts. It may be as simple as “walk the dog without getting winded” or as detailed as “win the Muscle Monster Man of the Century Competition.” Keep at least some of the goals realistic so that you can check them off as you get there.
Music or television may be a good way to make bodybuilding workouts more fun. You might find a partner to workout with (this may also keep you honest in honoring your bodybuilding workout commitments).
It’s only natural to get bored with routines that no longer hold your interest. Finding ways to keep your bodybuilding workouts fun and exciting will help you stay with your program, even when results seem to be lagging.