The chest is the trophy piece of every person who tries to gain muscle mass. As much as we can tell you not to neglect the other areas of your workout, you, like everyone else, will put a little more into your chest. This isn’t just vanity, it’s smart too. The chest is the largest muscle group in the upper body. The following exercises are some of the best ways to build chest muscle.
Bench Press

Positioning – Proper Bench technique begins with your location. As you lie on the bench, the bar should be at its resting position directly above your eyes. From your shoulders to your buttocks should be flat on the bench. Your feet should be at a comfortable width, flat on the floor.
Down Phase – After raising the bar from the resting position, lower it to just below the nipples. This lowering should happen at a controlled pace, do not drop the bar on your chest. This is dangerous for you, and reduces the impact of your workout. You should be inhaling through this portion of the lift.
The Press – Press the weight back to the starting position; arms fully extended, elbows locked. This press should take pace with the same amount of control and force throughout the motion. This will ensure muscle gains throughout the muscle.
Cable Crossovers

Positioning – This exercise is done between two cable machines. You stand centered in between the two machines with one cable in each hand. With one foot forward for balance hold the handles near your shoulders with your elbows completely bent.
The Crossover – Push forwards and down towards your waist until you hands meet. Exhale as you push, and do not slam your hands together at the end.
The Return – Maintain resistance on the handles as the cables pull back to the start position. Don’t let the weights jerk your arms back this can cause injury.
Incline Press

Positioning – This style of press has you sitting in a chair that is reclined. Chairs are either fixed or adjustable. Your back should be flat against the seat back. Your feet should be at a comfortable width, flat on the floor.
Down Phase – After raising the bar from the resting position, lower it to the top portion of your pectoral muscle. This lowering should happen at a controlled pace, do not drop the bar on your chest. This is dangerous for you, and reduces the impact of your workout.
The Press – Press the weight back to the starting position; arms fully extended, elbows locked. This press should take pace with the same amount of control and force throughout the motion. This is good for working the upper portion of your chest.
Decline Press

Positioning – This style of press has you lying on a bench with your feet hooked in to pads. Your head will be lower than the rest of your body. These benches are either fixed or adjustable. Your back should be flat against the bench and your feet should be secure in the pads.
Down Phase – After raising the bar from the resting position, lower it to just below the nipples. This lowering should happen at a controlled pace, do not drop the bar on your chest. This exercise works the lower as well as the inner portions of your chest.
The Press – Press the weight back to the starting position; arms fully extended, elbows locked. Make sure that the bar is moving perpendicular to the ground. Because you are inverted and at an angle, it can sometimes be difficult to maintain an exact vertical line. That will be the most beneficial to your muscle mass gains.
Butterfly Press

Positioning – This can be done with free weights or a machine. For the machine you will simply sit in a chair and place your arms against the padded bars. With free weights you will be lying on your back on a bench. Make sure your feet are shoulder width apart. You will have a dumbell in each hand, with your arms bent so that the dumbells are about ear level.
The Lift – On the machine you will push the pads in their pre-set arc, with the palm side of your forearms. For free weights, without changing the bend at your elbow, bring the dumbells together in front of your face.
The Return – For the machine provide resistance at the weights pull the padded arms back to their starting position. For free weights maintain the same arc the weights traveled up slowly lower them down. Use this resistance to help get bigger muscle mass gains.