Just like a coin, anabolic steroids have two sides. They may be helpful to athletes, players and body builders in assisting them achieve the longed for winning performances but they have negative effects too. Before you embark on the use of anabolic steroids you may have to consider the following effects which apparently make the negative side of anabolic steroid use heavier than the positive one. To begin with, they inhibit natural hormones. Since the endocrine system of your body is responsible for balancing of hormones in the body, introduction of a new hormone makes it to stop the production of the natural hormone in order to maintain the balance. For instance injecting synthetic testosterone makes a man’s endocrine system to stop producing the natural testosterone. These could make the man to have sexual dysfunctions.
Almost everybody who abuses anabolic steroids suffers liver damage. Most anabolic steroids which are ingested orally pass through the liver, which functions as the body’s filtration system. When something goes through the liver, it is broken down by various enzymes, and passed along into the bloodstream. Orally administered anabolic steroids elevate the liver enzymes following ingestion. The liver starts to wear out due to the toxic productions. Eventually you may suffer liver cirrhosis.
The effects anabolic steroids have on men include the development of gynecomastia which is also known as feminization of the breast tissue in males. The steroids contain androgens which convert testosterone into estrogen. The excess estrogen then finds its way to the receptors in breast tissue and binds to them. This results in the possibility of female-like breast tissue. Male breast development occurs in basically the same way as female breast development, and the use of these steroids can result in this happening at a later stage in life for males. At puberty a surplus of hormones all combine to stimulate the growth and development of breast tissue.
People on steroids can also development of acne and the extent to which it is experienced can be due to a number of varying factors, with the particular steroids and exact dosages used being the two primary factors. The skin’s sebaceous glands have a particularly high affinity to testosterone, which is an androgen the body naturally produces. Increased sebaceous gland activity can make the skin oily. The oil in the skin combine with bacteria and dead skin caused by normal wear and tear, eventually causing pores to become clogged more quickly than the body can remove them.
Among the effects of buying steroids and using them especially the anabolic ones in women is growing some muscular attributes, or the development of male sexual characteristics. This side effect on women is often reversible after the cycle has ended. Some of the typical signs of masculinization are the development of a deeper voice, growth of facial hair, enlargement of external genitalia and possible male pattern baldness, or acne on the face or body. High blood pressure is possibly the most easily seen of all anabolic steroid side effects. This commonly affects anabolic steroid using athletes attempting to gain maximum bulk to abstain from all aerobic activity which causes the body to work much harder to circulate blood. Also, the typical water and sodium retention induced by certain steroids can contribute to high blood pressure.