With the advancement of science and technology this hormone was successfully produced and given a clean bill for use by the FDA.
The part of the body responsible for producing this hormone is known as the pituitary gland found in the brain. Its absence in the body can cause a lot of health complications since a good number of the organs found in the body need it to function in the correct manner. Another proven importance of human growth hormone to the body is the fact that it slows down and reverses the aging process significantly.
As a person gets older and gets over thirty, the amount of this hormone excreted by the body reduces hence the effects that come about as a result of aging take place. These would include wrinkles that form due to the skin losing elasticity, baldness in men, reduced energy or vitality for human growth hormone. The bones also tend to lose their density. With the production of a generic hormone a person can now be injected this to increase the quantity found in the body hence reducing the effects of aging. Sometimes doctors prescribe HGH to the patients suffering from degeneration of cells or other problems.
It is also important to note that it plays a crucial role in the growth and development of a child as well as adult metabolism which can be explained as the process through which the body burns calories to allow it function in an acceptable way. As earlier mentioned growth hormone is one of the most important type of hormone in the body for the reason that it is the one responsible for cell generation. Due to the fact that it helps different organs perform, it is also referred to as the master hormone. In case of tissue damage it stimulates repair, cell generation, brain and enzyme functions. From 30 years of age this hormone begins to decrease in the body thereby causing a person to slowly begin to age.
There are plenty of online stores where you can find authentic HGH. But, you should buy one after consulting your doctor, as he may suggest you the best product to suit your requirements and also health conditions. Besides health purposes, numerous athletes take these hormones for better performance and body development too.