This is the most important meal of the day! Don’t skip itthinking it was going to help me save calories. If you skip breakfast, you will only become super ravenous by mid day, and end up eating more than you should. Skipping breakfast will also slow down your metabolism, which you don’t want.
Midmorning Snack
Never wait until lunch to eat again after breakfast. You need to eat at a small mini‐meal, protein bar, or a protein shake in between the two. Aim at a 200 calorie minimeals, or protein shake or protein bar to help you keep your energy levels high and your blood sugar levels regulated, and to fight off a huge binge at lunch!
Lunch is very important. Don’t forget lunch, to help you save time at the office, or if you are running errands. If you do, you are setting yourself up for failure at dinner. You will end up eating the paint off the walls or whatever is in your sight by the time dinner rolls around if you forgot to eat lunch.
Late afternoon Snack
This meal is crucial! We have had a long day, our patience is running out, and are feeling the effects of all the days duties. Our office friend comes with a box of cookies from the bakery down the street, and we end up giving in! If you ate a great big breakfast, had your mid morning protein shake, your satisfying lunch, you won’t give in! Make it a point to enjoy another protein shake, small protein bar, or a mini‐meal to keep your hunger at bay and under control until dinner.
Finally we are home, with our family and loved ones! Sigh of relief as we all gather together for a meal at home. Dinner is a meal to be enjoyed with our friends and family, but don’t overdo it! Remember this very important key: focus on your lean source of protein and also your fibrous carb. Aim to focus on a steamed vegetable, such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach or a large green salad to keep the complex carbs at bay.