If you were to ask your women friends how many of them are completely happy with their upper body appearance, chances are most of them would say that they were not happy at all. A lot of women are embarrassed by having arms that jiggle, or having arm fat that is saggy or hangs down.
Most women will fall into this same category as your bicep area especially on a women is the one area most women are the most unhappy with. Most of these exercises are even simple enough that you do not need or require a gym membership to work on.
Pushups are as standard as they can be, most of people had to do pushups all through school so they are very familiar. But a standard pushup can be a very effective way of helping to tone up your arms, and a great and easy exercise that you can do from your own home. Throw a blanket on the floor and do a couple of pushups while watching your favorite TV program or show, and still get a great workout on your biceps.
Bicep Curls
Purchase a pair of light weight hand weights from your local department store you can get them in either 3 or 5 pounds weights. Using your weights you can sit on the edge of your couch and start doing your standard bicep curls. If you have a pair of old barbells laying around you can also use these for doing your bicep curls. Do a couple of reps each day while watching the news or your favorite TV program.
Another option you have to get your biceps back into shape is to invest in some buying steroids or muscle pills to get you going. By buying steroids or muscle pills online they could give the jump you need to start getting those muscles back into shape. If you are lucky enough to be able to afford a gym membership there is a lot of great things you can do there to work on your biceps like:
- Using your curl machine most gyms have these and they work great on your biceps
- Using small hand weights or bar bell to do your standard bicep curls
- Triceps pushdowns are another great alternative
- Also there are machines for chest and shoulder press that will also work on your biceps
Just remember by making some changes to your overall workout routine, you can start to work on that those jiggle arms and flab to start to tighten those biceps up. Changing your diet and buying steroids or muscle pills may also be a wise investment in getting your muscles stronger and toned.