Natural steroids are represented by sexual hormones masculine and feminine, corticosteroid hormones of the adrenal cortex, vitamins of the Vitamin D group calciferol, bile acids, sterols like cholesterol, etc. Synthetic hormones are drugs which have the steroid core in their chemical structure. If you are interested in steroid sources and other information regarding this subject, you can perform a search on the Internet. You will learn all kind of interesting things from steroid forums, where people who use or used steroids share their opinions and experiences with one another.
Most steroids used by people are anabolic, a class of steroid hormones related to testosterone. They have the property of increasing protein synthesis within cells and building up cellular tissue, a process called anabolism. This is the reason why especially men who want to increase their muscle mass use these anabolic steroids. They also have androgenic and virilizing properties. After a period of taking these substances, people can discover they develop more masculine characteristics like thickening the voice, growth of body hair etc. For this reason, women should not take steroids. If you will look on different steroid forums, you will understand what an effect taking them has, for too long or in high dosages.
In many countries, the legal status of buying steroids is very strictly controlled and this is the reason why there are so many fake steroid sources on the market. In these countries, possession of such substances without prescription is considered a federal crime. For these reasons, people should pay attention to opt for steroid source checks. It will be more prudent this way, instead of buying them from anywhere or anybody.
Anabolic steroids are not used just for increasing muscle mass, they also have medical applications in different conditions, such as: hypoplastic anemias, growth problems, chronic wasting conditions like cancer or AIDS, delayed male puberty etc. In all these situations, physicians are those who prescribe steroids, in accordance with the type of health issue and keeping in mind different physical characteristics. In these cases, pharmacies are steroid sources for the patients, being the most reliable ones.
If you will search on steroid forums for what people say about using steroids, you will be amazed by the experiences that they have been through and reflect more whether you should start taking these substances or not. You can discover that steroid sources are not so difficult to find, the problem is to find the legit ones, so you won’t put your health at risk with different fake products. It is important to be aware of the fact that the use of anabolic steroids is banned in performance sports. But, if you are a person who only wants to increase muscle mass or you have different health issues, it is much better to ask for a specialist’s advice, before you start to take steroids. It will be much healthier for you and you will be able to prevent different side effects of these substances. After all, you want to look good and be healthy at the same time, isn’t it