Grow some good bacteria
Prebiotics stimulate good bacteria in the colon and prevent bad bacteria from taking a hold. A study in the Journal Of Clinical Gastroenterology found that foods rich in prebiotics such as chicory and artichokes lead to the increased growth of gut good guys lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
Drink more water
We’ll keep saying it until you get it: drinking more water is one of the quickest ways to improve health. Maintaining adequate hydration is crucial for digestive health and helps regulate bowel movements.
Cut back on booze
Drinking more than two units of alcohol a day will expand your waistline and wreak havoc on your digestive system. Research has found that excessive alcohol impairs muscle movement in the small and large intestines. Bloating, stomach aches and diarrhea are your body’s way of telling you to lay off the liquor.
Hit the gym
Increased blood flow results in increased oxygen circulation in the whole body – and this improves cell efficiency in the digestive system.
Eat more fiber
Fiber helps to maintain regular bowel movements by adding bulk to stools and drawing water into the digestive tract. It also stimulates the nerves in the intestine, causing contractions of the colon that help to move waste through quickly.
Enliven your liver
Your liver keeps your body healthy by breaking down toxic substances such as caffeine, alcohol, pesticides and additives. If your liver isn’t functioning properly, your ability to process and excrete these toxins is reduced. Keep it working smoothly with a diet full of whole foods, fruit and cruciferous vegetables.
Boost your gallbladder
Bitter foods stimulate your gallbladder to increase bile, which is critical to burning down fats and breaking down toxins. It is recommended to add bitter greens such as endive, kale, mustard greens and watercress to your salads.